Through Title II of the Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA), Maine receives an annual formula grant from the federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to assist Maine in building a rare, fair and beneficial juvenile justice system. The Maine JJAG is responsible for administering these funds. Funds are disbursed as follows:
- Request for Proposals
- Sole Source Contracts
- 5K Discretionary Grants
Request for Proposals/Applications
The JJAG may issue a Request For Proposal (RFP) or Request for Application (RFA) to solicit applications for funding for more than $5,000 on an area for investment identified by the JJAG as a priority to meet the goals and objective of the JJAG’s Three-Year and RED Plans. Notices for RFPs/RFAs can be found on the State of Maine’s Procurement services website page:
An active RFP/RFA can be searched for in 4 ways
- Department releasing it, in JJAG’s case that is the Department of Corrections;
- By the RFP/RFA unique identifier, usually the year it is released followed by five digits (Example 202100000); or
- By their title if desired.
- Published RFA & RFA Flyer
5k Discretionary Grants
The Maine JJAG sets aside a portion of its annual Title II allocation for smaller grants of $5,000.00 or less.
Grants must be requested and spent within one year’s time and meet at least one of the goals or objectives of the Maine JJAG’s current Three-Year Plan. Any group or agency receiving these funds may be asked to report to the entire JJAG Board at one of their regularly scheduled meetings.
Youth Awards
In honor of Paul K. Vestal, Jr., and in recognition of his service to the Maine Juvenile Justice Advisory Group (JJAG) and to Maine youth, the JJAG has established a scholarship fund for youth who have been involved in the Maine juvenile justice system and who demonstrate a desire to measurably improve their life and the lives of others. Individual awards can be up to $5,000.
To apply for the Paul K. Vestal, Jr. Award, click the button below to download the scholarship application. Return your completed application to
Contact Linda Barry Potter at (207) 707-2698 or with any questions.